Our offices have prepared thousands of tax files for our community for more than 8 years. We specialize in we specialize in offering tax preparation bilingual services at reasonable prices
Business Tax preparation
If you own a small business or corporation, Quick Tax Service can help you file your corporate tax return at an affordable price.
Business Incorporation
If you’re looking for professional incorporation services, we can help you form
your new Corporation or limited liability company (LLC). Get Incorporated!
IRS Problems
When you have IRS problems, the only thing you need to make sure, don’t go away by yourself, you want to have an expert partner at your side.
Itin Services
We are licensed Agents to process your ITIN NUMBER . If any problem arises with your ITIN number application, we will help you resolve it.
Bookeeping & Accounting
Most small business owners waste valuable time attempting to manage finances and keep up the bookkeeping end of their business…
You get a cashier’s check through TPG for the difference after all fees are deducted from your refund. You don’t need to pay up from for this option. (Tax prep fees deducted from your refund).(bank product required)
Time frame (8-15 days)
Check from IRS
This is the least popular option. You do have to pay up front and you will get a refund check directly from The IRS via mail.
Time frame (4-8 weeks)
Direct deposit
Your tax refund is deposited directly into you existing bank account upon receipt from The IRS. (tax prep fees are deducted from your refund).
(bank product required)
Time frame (8-15 days)
Direct deposit
Your tax refund is deposited directly into your existing bank account upon receipt from The IRS. You do have to pay up front for this option.
Time frame (8-15 days)
Our Work Process as Videos
Range of consulting services, all designed to help your ORGANIZATION